Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Discrimination.....What a Bad Word !!!

Hello my friends,

First of all, i want to explain why discrimination is against humanity and it is a matter that is not acceptable in our world. God created humans with equal manners in everything, men or women, black or white, Muslims, Christians or even Jews, we are all equal. However some people are different from others but thats does not mean that those different people have to be treated in a bad way or even calling them "Out-Groups" because simply those people, who called out-groups, are born like this and of course it's not their faults.

Second of all, if we consider ourselves "Out-groups", its really a bad experience. Being black or a woman is not a bad thing, but what is really bad is discriminating against these people without any reasons. Maybe, these people are smarter than us or even have a good personality than ours. I believe that people who discriminate against others are the one who have problems in their lives, in other words, they have to be discriminated against their way of thinking and the way they treating the people different from them.

Finally, Discrimination is a great topic and a wide field to think about and actually i do not like the word "Discrimination" at all. I hope that discrimination will disappear from our world, just like any kind of the serious diseases that have been disappeared years ago, simply to have a peaceful earth that all people will feel free to live in.


Xixi said...

Haha~i'm the sofa again~ what u's unfair for people to be treat in different ways! and it's more unfair to descriminate to others based their outside~

Helen said...

Zicas, I understand your feeling when you was in your high school and was discriminated by others very well. Not only because I had similar experiences, but also I have a good friend who have exactly same experience as you. Things were going worse because she is a girl...I became her friend during that time and I found that she is really smart and lovely girl, so I agree with what you said anout discrimination...