Friday, February 22, 2008

I Prefer "Animal Expermentations".....

Hello My Friends,

First of all, i would like to thank everyone who participate in Thursday lunch, it was really a nice day. I ,also, want to thank Mrs. Lili and Mrs. Adrianne very much for joining and sharing us................THANK YOU.

Second of all, i think the Animal Experimentations unit is one of the wonderful units that we had in Advanced Level 2. This unit has a lot of materials. we read 15 articles, we had a great lecture by Mr. Sklar about Animals' Rights, we watched a video and we had a good debate. We also wrote a paper of whether we are against or with animal experimentations. Concerning the new materials, we have learned a lot of untreated diseases that we were not familiar to and we learned about the experimentations that have been held to treat the most serious diseases in the world such as HIV virus, Cancer.....etc.

I think, we worked a lot in this unit comparing to the other units.



Xixi said...

HAHAHAHA~~~~~~~~I'm the firt one who make the comment~~~~
oh~it's a pity that we didn't sit together on Thursday~never mind~we have many opportunities~right?
animal unit is very interesting~!It's really a contriversial topic nowadays~.....

Tomas said...

Ei Zicass,

I agree with you, we learned a lot on the topic of Animal experimentations and it was the unit that demanded more work: we read lots of articles, made their corresponding maps, notes etc, made a debate and write the persuasive paper...all these work is like a compilation of all we have learned until now.

Helen said...

Zicas,you did a very good job on the debate about animal rights.Although we know that your points are more like in the middle...
Haha,this time you renew your blog very early~~~you see, you will get more comments...

Davidwang said...

me 2
i like the animal experiment