Sunday, March 16, 2008


Hey friends,

First of all, Blogs are really a very good idea especially in education. At the very begining of this course, i was wondering what are exactly the blogs and blogging are, but after a while, i realized that blogging is a way of communicating with people in different spots of the world. Not only that, but also having this idea in a school will let the students interact by a way or another just as they are disscusing a topic in a class. Blogging everything that we had in the class and reading my friends' blogs helped me alot in understanding the material during the whole course. Another thing that i really liked about these blogs that i can easily change my profile's colours and fonts, and actually i spend about 2 hours adjusting and painting my blog which means alot for me now.

Second of all, i would like to ask everyone in the class, even Lili and Adrianne, to keep writing on their blogs as they could be our way of communication after finishing our course.

I will be very happy to be asking about you........TAKECARE MY FRIENDS


Hi everyone,

Firstly, im very glad that we are almost done from the Advanced Two level and i can see that all of us are doing great jobs concerning our evaluations so far. Congratulation everyone and best wishes in our final evaluations.

Secondly, concering the presentations, they were really usefull to me and i think for all of us. Preparing for a presentation is one of the most difficult staff that i ever do. The presentation have to be clear, nice and it have to be very simple as while as some visual tools such as videos, pictures or maybe some animations. For me, it was kind of confusing. I looked for too much pictures and video in order to explain my idea (Mobile Phones) easily to my audience. I also looked very careful for the right words that i should put in my slides and it was really terrible. However, i feel very satisfied with what i did, as i think that this last presentation was one of the best ones that i ever presented. I think maybe because everyone in the class took the presentation project very seriously and it was really very nice competetion between all of us. I hope that anyone had time to video my presentation. The presentation of my classmates were really nice, clear, easy to be understood and even some of them were very impressive. To say the trust, i enjoyed all of the presentation, simply because they were all very proffesional.

Good Luck In your EVALUATIONS........

Monday, March 10, 2008

Culture Shock....I was really shocked

Hi ladies and gentlemen,

Today was really a terrible day. I was very tired and i think i will catch a flu very soon, but what makes me feel worst the video "Cold Water" that we saw today in the afternoon class.
Actually, i know that the American people do not have enough idea about the world around them, but i didnt imagine that it could be illitracy, for instance, "Africa is a country". I was really shocked today by this.
I think that is because Americans do not teach the world's history in schools, however in other countries, for example Canada, people , i think, are well educated and have enough information about the world around them. Since i came here no one who know that im from Egypt, he knows exactly what is Egypt; country, history, industries and of course the location.
After the class, i talked to some of my friends and they told me that they have seen a program about some Americans that were questioned and some of them located Paris in Africa. I really can not realize that, it is so difficult.

In my country, Americans are well known, as you know, from televisions, newspapers, journals and even radios and we never saw one who do not know where is Madrid or Munich or even Beijin for example. The high schools in Egypt teach the world's history every carefully. Not only that but they also teach the world's countries' customs and traditions in order to have well educated people that could be able to deal with the surrounding cultures.

In general, i didnt found this feeling in Canada. At the begining, i was very happy to see the snow, not shocked, But i didnt have any problem in dealing with people around me. I can not deny that sometimes i feel lonely but the people here are very friendly and Im trying to adopt myself on everything.

Being Anxious....

Hello everyone,

Well, being anxious is what we are in now. As our final evaluations are next week and we are also doing our final presentations and having the second text-book project.
So, I think that the self - confidence is the best solution for this problem, as we have to know that we are good and we always can do it. I also can prove it as we have been in stress for a whole month now and we are still doing good jobs and preparing for the final evaluations.
Anxious is completely dissolved into fear, so i think it could be another meaning for it....

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Research Projects...!

Hello my friends,

First, i would like to thank Lili and Adrianne for their efforts on supporting and encouraging us on our projects.

Second, i know that this post is not a class assignment post, but i just want to say that we learned alot during the last three weeks. We spent days and nights searching for materials and stuff that could help us in writting our papers and i can see that we are all doing good job on our papers. I think that the last three weeks were not as usual, as we did not sit with each other alot in class and we stopped discussing alot. However, I'm very glad to see everyone spending hours and hours looking for materials. I'm also very happy to see everyone asking me about my project and asking other people . We are also discussing, but discussing our papers.......

In the end, we have to thank Lili and Adrianne again...................Keep On Guys, We are almost DONE

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Discrimination.....What a Bad Word !!!

Hello my friends,

First of all, i want to explain why discrimination is against humanity and it is a matter that is not acceptable in our world. God created humans with equal manners in everything, men or women, black or white, Muslims, Christians or even Jews, we are all equal. However some people are different from others but thats does not mean that those different people have to be treated in a bad way or even calling them "Out-Groups" because simply those people, who called out-groups, are born like this and of course it's not their faults.

Second of all, if we consider ourselves "Out-groups", its really a bad experience. Being black or a woman is not a bad thing, but what is really bad is discriminating against these people without any reasons. Maybe, these people are smarter than us or even have a good personality than ours. I believe that people who discriminate against others are the one who have problems in their lives, in other words, they have to be discriminated against their way of thinking and the way they treating the people different from them.

Finally, Discrimination is a great topic and a wide field to think about and actually i do not like the word "Discrimination" at all. I hope that discrimination will disappear from our world, just like any kind of the serious diseases that have been disappeared years ago, simply to have a peaceful earth that all people will feel free to live in.

Friday, February 22, 2008

I Prefer "Animal Expermentations".....

Hello My Friends,

First of all, i would like to thank everyone who participate in Thursday lunch, it was really a nice day. I ,also, want to thank Mrs. Lili and Mrs. Adrianne very much for joining and sharing us................THANK YOU.

Second of all, i think the Animal Experimentations unit is one of the wonderful units that we had in Advanced Level 2. This unit has a lot of materials. we read 15 articles, we had a great lecture by Mr. Sklar about Animals' Rights, we watched a video and we had a good debate. We also wrote a paper of whether we are against or with animal experimentations. Concerning the new materials, we have learned a lot of untreated diseases that we were not familiar to and we learned about the experimentations that have been held to treat the most serious diseases in the world such as HIV virus, Cancer.....etc.

I think, we worked a lot in this unit comparing to the other units.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Public Lecture: The Future of Post Secondary School in Quebec

Good evening everybody,

Wang, Xixi, Jarno and me attended a presentation on the increasing of the tuition fees in Quebec universities. Actually, it was not a lecture, it was a kind of debate, a chairman was asking four people from different organizations (McGill University, University of Montreal and the Ministry of Education - Quebec) about the reasons of the dramatically increasing in the tuition fees of the universities in Canada. It was held in Concordia University in the Hall Building, room H-110. it was by the Arts and Science Federation of Associations (ASFA). The number of audience was not as expected, about 30 to 40 students.

It was really a nice lecture (Debate), we learned a lot about the tuition fees increasing in the last few years and why these fees have been raised dramatically, especially for the international students. The only problem we faced that three of the four presenters were French and we had a hard time focusing in their speech, however they were very polite, accurate and they answered all the questions that have been discussed. In my point of view, I believe that increasing the tuition fees of the universities is a very important task in order to have more facilities and materials to be well educated students, but these increasing fees have to be regulated by the government in order to give high schools’ students the opportunity to attend universities.

We hope that attending the universities will be a right not a privilege...........

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Joy kogawa, the writer, was born in Vancouver in 1935. She received a lot of honorary doctorates, national and international awards. Kogawa was a Member of the Order of Canada in 1986. Kogawa’s Obasan is a historical novel that based on a true story happened during the Second World War.

After the Pearl Harbor bombing during the Second World War, which the Japanese fighters succeeded to destroy it completely, many people suffered in Canada and the United States of America. This disaster destroyed families, cultures and life for some people. The bombing was a strong hit to the USA and Canadian governments. As a result of this economical destruction, many Japanese in Canada suffered and especially the Japanese Canadians.

The Japanese Canadians, who were originally Canadian natives, were treated badly. They were treated as enemies or spies. No food, no medicine, even for children, and they were collected, in groups, and put together in camps. These camps were not for humans, but for animals. They worked like animals, with no mercy, without any payment or even some food. The Canadian government treated them as war-prisoners and they were killed for any complains. Obasan Novel shows a family that suffered during this horrible period. Separated, gathered, killed and trapped.

Obasan is a wonderful historical novel which is recommended for those who like the true historical novels. It is interesting, having a lot of description and attract you to read it.

I really like it so0o0o0o0o much..............


Hi Everyone,
Nowadays, Population is one of the most tremendous problems. Concerning the the empty spaces in our world, people focus on the areas which are more suitable for them. Capitals and the large cities are their destination to have a better life, in their point of view.

Egypt is one of the most populous countries in Africa. Egypt covering an area of about 1,001,450 square kilometers and the population of Egypt is 78 million people (2007). That seems to be perfect, but the main problem is that these 78 million people are concentrating on the banks of the Nile River in an area of 40,000 square kilometers, from the total area, where the only agriculture area is found. The majority spread in Cairo (Capital of Egypt), Alexandria, Ismailia and Port Said. In Cairo, the population increases dramatically as it has been announced that there is about 18 million people, similarly, in Alexandria, 10 million people.

The main population crisis is the unemployment of many graduated students and workers in Egypt and of course, this is a great problem for those who are graduated recently.

Well. My family is pretty big. I have 4 uncles and one aunt. We are 22 grandsons and im an uncle for 2 beautiful boys and one girls. My small family consists of 5 individuals; Dad, Mum, my sister, she is 23, and my brother, he is 14. For me i think i want to have 2 children and it doesn't matter from which gender :-D.

Egypt Has been suffering a lot from the moving people from their own areas to the urban areas. people thought that in the big cities they will have more working opportunities and better way in living. Nowadays, the Egyptian government is building new cities away from the large cities (Nasr City, 6 October city ...etc.) in order to decrease the population in these crowded big cities.

I really love my country..... EGYPT

Animals Rights

Hello eveybody,

Researchers and scientists are good in convincing people of their researches and experiments using animals in order to get rid and treat the most serious diseases in the world, without paying any attention for the animals’ pains. These researchers believe that animals has no sense or feelings, they could be tested in any time without any sense of humor. Animals have the right not to suffer, not to have pain and to be treated well.

Researches proved that humans and animals have the same central nervous system. Animals are similar to human being; they feel, hear, recognize, and even act like humans. It has been proved that animals have similar characteristics and reactions like humans; all apes have the ability to recognize themselves in huge mirrors, chimps, as well as birds, have the ability to use different tools in different ways, Kanzi, the Bonobo, that have the ability to understand over 3000 words of spoken English and Alex, the parrot, that identifies the objects and colors and could count from 0 to 6. In Jeremy Rifkin’s article “Man and other animals”, according to Steven Siviy, a behavioral scientist at Gettysburg college in Pennsylvania, “ If you believe in evolution by natural selection, how can you believe that feelings suddenly appeared with human beings” Jeremy Rifkin said (2003). Studies on pigs’ social behavior at Purdue University in the US have found that pigs are upset and depressed if they were isolated or even have no time to play with each other. These examples strongly indicate that animals have feelings which can not be denied.

Researchers state that animals have no rights as they have no responsibilities. “Animals have to be treated well but they do not have the rights as humans” Dr. John Young, Cedars Sinai Medical center (2008). Dr. Young believes that animals’ experiments are necessary for our life and having the same characteristics as humans is an advantage in order to treat the serious diseases. Animals have the right not to feel pain or fear, not to suffer without any reasons and not to be killed for others. “Animals have the right not to have pain, fear or physical deprivation inflicted upon them by us” Naturalist Roger Caras in his article “We Must Find Alternatives to Animals in Research”. They have the right not to be used for entertainment, for example, Bullfighting in Spain and Cockfighting in Mexico. They have the right to live in good conditions in their own environment.

Animals have sense of everything that going around them; isolation experimentations and even death. In my own point of view, animals have to be well treated exactly as humans, as I believe that they are on our planet for certain reasons not for testing. Nowadays, we have to have some experiments on animals to develop specific cures, but also we have to find some alternatives in order to give them their proper rights.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Palestinians Trapped in Gaza.....!!!!!


Last Wednesday in Gaza, after the metal border wall, that the Israelis have built long time ago between Palestine and Egypt borders, was damaged, thousands of Palestinians passed to Egypt in order to buy their needs that they did not have in their land. Under the military pressure of the Israel army, people in Palestine, even the Israelis people who live along the border with Gaza, were suffering from the lack of every essential staff for life. Everything was cut off since last summer due to the blockade of the Israelis army on Gaza, fuel, medicine, soap, cement and even food. "Israel's response is a collective punishment that will only feed anger and extremism" a writer in the New York Times said. Mr. Bush, USA president, said that the fight between Hamas and the Israelis arm could explode the peace process in the Middle East. The writer also mentioned that Egypt ,as a peacemaker, should close the tunnels, between Sinai and Gaza, that "allows arms and money to flow to militants in Gaza" he said.
The writer was much concerned about everything ,even the innocent Israelis who live along the border with Gaza, and he did not pay any attention for those innocent Palestinians that were suffering for along time ago, dead with the Israelis army guns or from the lack of food. Egypt also as an Arabian country not a "peacemaker as the writer said" helps the Palestinians ,by a way or another, to survive, whether form Hamas or from the Israelis army. Egypt allows the Palestinians to get their supplies as the Egyptian government hopes to Ease the trouble life they have right now.

God bless these innocent people........AMEEEEEN

Thursday, January 17, 2008


hello everybody,

Well, im with the idea of building Skyscrapers as they are going to solve a lot of population problems. The world's population increases everyday, unemployment people have nothing to do, People are wasting their time travelling from their houses to their work's places and there is no places for residents and visitors in our countries.
First of all, super skyscrapers could provide many working chances for the unemployment people. second of all, they could provide houses and jobs in the same building to avoid wasting the workers' time. They are also built upwards and thats could solve the population problems for many countries. Moreover, some skyscrapers are filtering the poluted air in a city and that's one of the most important reasons for building skyscrapers. Finally, super skyscrapers, in any country, could have economical values.