Sunday, March 16, 2008


Hey friends,

First of all, Blogs are really a very good idea especially in education. At the very begining of this course, i was wondering what are exactly the blogs and blogging are, but after a while, i realized that blogging is a way of communicating with people in different spots of the world. Not only that, but also having this idea in a school will let the students interact by a way or another just as they are disscusing a topic in a class. Blogging everything that we had in the class and reading my friends' blogs helped me alot in understanding the material during the whole course. Another thing that i really liked about these blogs that i can easily change my profile's colours and fonts, and actually i spend about 2 hours adjusting and painting my blog which means alot for me now.

Second of all, i would like to ask everyone in the class, even Lili and Adrianne, to keep writing on their blogs as they could be our way of communication after finishing our course.

I will be very happy to be asking about you........TAKECARE MY FRIENDS


Hi everyone,

Firstly, im very glad that we are almost done from the Advanced Two level and i can see that all of us are doing great jobs concerning our evaluations so far. Congratulation everyone and best wishes in our final evaluations.

Secondly, concering the presentations, they were really usefull to me and i think for all of us. Preparing for a presentation is one of the most difficult staff that i ever do. The presentation have to be clear, nice and it have to be very simple as while as some visual tools such as videos, pictures or maybe some animations. For me, it was kind of confusing. I looked for too much pictures and video in order to explain my idea (Mobile Phones) easily to my audience. I also looked very careful for the right words that i should put in my slides and it was really terrible. However, i feel very satisfied with what i did, as i think that this last presentation was one of the best ones that i ever presented. I think maybe because everyone in the class took the presentation project very seriously and it was really very nice competetion between all of us. I hope that anyone had time to video my presentation. The presentation of my classmates were really nice, clear, easy to be understood and even some of them were very impressive. To say the trust, i enjoyed all of the presentation, simply because they were all very proffesional.

Good Luck In your EVALUATIONS........

Monday, March 10, 2008

Culture Shock....I was really shocked

Hi ladies and gentlemen,

Today was really a terrible day. I was very tired and i think i will catch a flu very soon, but what makes me feel worst the video "Cold Water" that we saw today in the afternoon class.
Actually, i know that the American people do not have enough idea about the world around them, but i didnt imagine that it could be illitracy, for instance, "Africa is a country". I was really shocked today by this.
I think that is because Americans do not teach the world's history in schools, however in other countries, for example Canada, people , i think, are well educated and have enough information about the world around them. Since i came here no one who know that im from Egypt, he knows exactly what is Egypt; country, history, industries and of course the location.
After the class, i talked to some of my friends and they told me that they have seen a program about some Americans that were questioned and some of them located Paris in Africa. I really can not realize that, it is so difficult.

In my country, Americans are well known, as you know, from televisions, newspapers, journals and even radios and we never saw one who do not know where is Madrid or Munich or even Beijin for example. The high schools in Egypt teach the world's history every carefully. Not only that but they also teach the world's countries' customs and traditions in order to have well educated people that could be able to deal with the surrounding cultures.

In general, i didnt found this feeling in Canada. At the begining, i was very happy to see the snow, not shocked, But i didnt have any problem in dealing with people around me. I can not deny that sometimes i feel lonely but the people here are very friendly and Im trying to adopt myself on everything.

Being Anxious....

Hello everyone,

Well, being anxious is what we are in now. As our final evaluations are next week and we are also doing our final presentations and having the second text-book project.
So, I think that the self - confidence is the best solution for this problem, as we have to know that we are good and we always can do it. I also can prove it as we have been in stress for a whole month now and we are still doing good jobs and preparing for the final evaluations.
Anxious is completely dissolved into fear, so i think it could be another meaning for it....

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Research Projects...!

Hello my friends,

First, i would like to thank Lili and Adrianne for their efforts on supporting and encouraging us on our projects.

Second, i know that this post is not a class assignment post, but i just want to say that we learned alot during the last three weeks. We spent days and nights searching for materials and stuff that could help us in writting our papers and i can see that we are all doing good job on our papers. I think that the last three weeks were not as usual, as we did not sit with each other alot in class and we stopped discussing alot. However, I'm very glad to see everyone spending hours and hours looking for materials. I'm also very happy to see everyone asking me about my project and asking other people . We are also discussing, but discussing our papers.......

In the end, we have to thank Lili and Adrianne again...................Keep On Guys, We are almost DONE